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Showing posts from January, 2024

We're having a.....

 We're having a boy!!  Oh, man we are excited. In all honesty, I've been like 100% sure it was a boy from the beginning so it was mostly nice to be proven right. Though, in the days leading up to the ultrasound I guess I did start to waiver and consider the possibility that it could have been a girl. But just barely. It may have been a blessing from heaven because I think I needed 4.5 months of preparation in order to not be disappointed that I can't buy girl clothes which are IMO much cuter. But it's okay, boy clothes are fun too - as long as you like trucks, dinosaurs, and animals. Which luckily I do!  More importantly, though, the anatomy scan went perfectly! They looked at each organ and appendage and said everything was great! Two arms, two legs, lots of bones, and some absolutely stunning organs. Baby is in the 44th percentile, so measuring perfect and my due date is officially May 31st!  I was incredibly stressed about the scan, so I feel like a huge weight has n

Start of 2024

 Once again at the start of a new year I've renewed my goal of consistently journaling. I'm hoping it'll take this year because we are having a baby and I want to make sure to document as much as I can about my experience with pregnancy and having a new baby. Also, I think people probably get tired of me talking about pregnancy and I'm certain will also get bored with hearing about a new baby so this will be a perfect place for me to get it all out.  2023 was a great and also not so great year. Lots of snowboarding, hiking, and being with family and friends! It started out with Kelly and I buying a new home in American Fork which we love! Looking back, I'm not sure why did it? We definitely didn't need a new home and we loved where we were living in West Valley, but we just kept thinking about it and thinking about it. Maybe it was because it was a crazy winter and we were desperate for a garage? Maybe it was that Kelly had gotten a new job in Lehi and we were t