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We're having a.....

 We're having a boy!! 

Oh, man we are excited. In all honesty, I've been like 100% sure it was a boy from the beginning so it was mostly nice to be proven right. Though, in the days leading up to the ultrasound I guess I did start to waiver and consider the possibility that it could have been a girl. But just barely. It may have been a blessing from heaven because I think I needed 4.5 months of preparation in order to not be disappointed that I can't buy girl clothes which are IMO much cuter. But it's okay, boy clothes are fun too - as long as you like trucks, dinosaurs, and animals. Which luckily I do! 

More importantly, though, the anatomy scan went perfectly! They looked at each organ and appendage and said everything was great! Two arms, two legs, lots of bones, and some absolutely stunning organs. Baby is in the 44th percentile, so measuring perfect and my due date is officially May 31st!

 I was incredibly stressed about the scan, so I feel like a huge weight has now been taken off my shoulders. We ended up waiting to find out the gender until after the appointment because I wanted to really enjoy finding out instead of lumping it in with stress of the anatomy scan and because it was fun to be able to do it with family. 

Nicole was really nice to make a bunch of blue and pink filled cupcakes and then pass out them out to everyone. Everyone took a bite and then we tallied how many blue and pink and whichever had more tallies was the gender. There was a bit of confusion at the end but it all worked out and we are super excited to have a boy. 

As far as pregnancy symptoms go - mostly everything has gotten better. I'm feeling lots of kicking and movement and this week Kelly was able to feel stuff to, which was fun. And also it's been easy to convince myself that I'm making everything I feel up so it's nice to have a witness. Kelly has been singing "You are my Sunshine" and "Edelweiss" to my belly which is the sweetest thing and also gets a lot of kicks so I assume the baby loves it. 

Outside of pregnancy....our lives are pretty normal. Starting to really get into sourdough and our Ninja Creami's which we love. We also went to Eden last week with some friends which was fun but also one of our friends went into labor during the night so it turned into a much more memorable trip. 

So that's pretty much it. We now get to start really prepping for baby which is already making the whole thing seem so real and making me want to make our little baby. We are just so happy. 


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