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Our little baby

 Our little Theodore Kelly was born on June 4, 2024 at 11:35pm. He was 8lbs 2oz and 22 inches long.  Birth story:  I was very certain that I was going to go into labor on my own but the doctor's office still encouraged to set a induction date just in case I didn't. The doctor I had seen the most (Dr. Case) was on call on  Friday May 31st (my due date) so I figured I would schedule the induction for that date, but was 100% certain that I would go into labor on my own before then. So naive. Thursday evening came and we started to feel uncertain as to what we should do since I really REALLY wanted to avoid an induction. Uncertain is probably a generous term - I may have had a small break down and was really questioning why we had wanted kids in the first place. Still, we figured that probably the hospital would call me in late in the day, with still the possibility of not going in at all if enough people happened to go into labor naturally on Friday so maybe I would still be able
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