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The last 20 weeks of my pregnancy

 Very ironically the last half of my pregnancy really got away from me. Ironic, because each day felt like an eternity. Especially those last couple of weeks. Maybe it's good then I now having postpartum amnesia to all of my pregnancy symptoms because if I looked back and was able to remember it all more clearly I don't know that I'd ever want to get pregnant again. 


    Overall, my second trimester feels like a breeze. The nausea didn't go away until like the middle my second trimester, but it got a lot better. And again, compared to the nausea that other people experience I was feeling pretty lucky. I'd say my biggest symptoms were back pain (which really sucked) and just overall anxiety any time I couldn't feel my baby move. Which at the beginning/middle of the second trimester is a lot. The baby wasn't that big so Kelly was doing a lot of singing to my belly because that really got him kicking. The back pain really was terrible, though. Kelly was an angel and was pretty much constantly rubbing my back and feet. I got a massage on Valentine's day and the therapist told me it was very common for women with weak abs to have back pain during pregnancy. So that was humbling.

Speaking of Valentine's day - we had a great one! We went to the melting pot and Kelly got me a massage. So I guess I had a great one and Kelly had a pretty good one. The Melting Pot only had reservations at like 10pm, so how tired I was by the end of that dinner is actually what sticks out the most. 

We also went to Oregon in March to visit Kelly's parents. We ended up suprising them because we didn't want Kelly's mom to overdue it in preparing for visitors. It ended up being such a fun trip. We went to the beach and had (according to them) the best weather we could have hoped for. We went to Portland and got to see the biggest book store, which was amazing. And then just hanging out was amazing. 

Highlights of my third trimester 

- I passed the gestational diabetes test! I was beyond nervous for the test since I hadn't exactly been eating my healthiest through the beginning of my pregnancy. But luckily it turned out okay. Honestly, the drink that they give you before the test had been hyped up to be so awful and so I really was dreading it. I actually thought it was kind of tasty.

- Decorating the nursery. I feel like preparing yourself to be a parent is practically impossible but I couldn't just not try to prepare and I think that really manifested itself it decorating the nursery and house projects in general. I guess that's not unusual - that's what nesting is, after all. But I think Kelly was practicing a lot of patience with my never ending "To do" lists and constantly talking through what we needed to accomplish that day/week/month. 

- Finally getting heartburn. I guess this wouldn't be a highlight but it did make me thankful for all the many weeks that I didn't have heartburn because that was just awful. I probably gave myself kidney stones with all the Tums I took. 

- I was so so convinced that I was going to go into labor early. Apparently that's very common for first time moms to think that. But that made the last few weeks of the pregnancy pretty hard. I was constantly waking up at night because I was convinced that my water broke because I'd feel like a drop of wetness. Little did I know that when my water actually broke it was like a literal waterfall. But just every minute of every day I kept thinking that it could happen. Which is could have but unfortunately did not. 

- Overall discomfort. Not fitting into any of my clothes. Being so unbelievably hot. I thought I was going to have to stop going to my parents because their house was so warm. I went there one day and the thermostat was set to "heat" at 84 degrees. I thought I would die. 

40 weeks 

39 weeks

38 weeks

37 weeks

36 weeks

35 weeks


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